JOIN the RFA Today!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sleeping With the Fishes

Having your allies put themselves either in the money or "on the same letterhead with the Environmental Defense Fund was enough for me to burn anything with an organization's logo on it. Having them not have done their homework -- on the Director of NOAA, Tides, EDF, or Catch Shares -- outlined in a UN document as an "Alternative Revenue Source" in their "Marine Spacial Plan" -- sets the stage for asking them what they're thinking of. I guess all you have to do is follow the money.  Every organization there -- from the Billfish people to the CCA -- has sold us all out. Know who's on our side and who's not. The battle approaches."

It ain't about cleaning fish but it sure will be bloody!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Fishery Conservation Transition Act

The Fishery Conservation Transition Act (S.3594 / H.R. 6316) is designed to give managers the time and resources to fine-tune their management tools, while safeguarding our core conservation standards. Passage of FCTA will prevent a repeat of the massive closures in the South Atlantic. Click the link below to send a message to your Congressman and U.S. Senator today and ask them to support FCTA.

Click the link below to log in and send your message, as I did:

and lets slow down this battle-wagon steaming across our waters in an attempt to stop fishing, as we know it today. Then tell your friends to sign up on your Free forum as we too are going to battle against those who would impede to tred on my rights to fish in Florida, as well, my country we call America. Join me, Gary Anderson and all those with the Online Fisherman as we wage war on those in favor of restricting our rights with flawed to no real time data. With The Online Fisherman, you'll get Free Representation to your rights, Free Advice, Free Articles, Free Pro-Staff Advice, Free Give-Aways in top notch angling gear and the Freedom to Catch Fish with Free Maps, GPS coordinates, Free bait spots, free fishy spots and if that is not enough, call me in person and get free advice to my thoughts to fishing spots. 941-426-6118

Can't Log in, Join up , with the CCA as we need all the angles we can get!

Agenda 21, “Sustainable Development” The Fall of America

“My guns are out and I am taking aim at the UN’s Agenda 21, an initiative which started in 1992. Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992. The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of UNCED, to monitor and report on implementation of the agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels. It was agreed that a five year review of Earth Summit progress would be made in 1997 by the United Nations General Assembly meeting in special session. The full implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Commitments to the Rio principles, were strongly reaffirmed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 26 August to 4 September 2002. “In short, Agenda 21 outlines, in detail, the UN’s vision for a completely managed society, dictating the process to be used for industry, agriculture, housing development, and especially education. It’s an all-encompassing plan to rule from an all-powerful central government.”
Agenda 21 is “Sustainable Development” and that it seeks to abolish private property and prepare children for global citizenship, ultimately aiming to reduce the population. States shall cooperate in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem starting with ocean Catch Share Programs and Sector Separation creating a sustainable program to our marine ecosystems and those to which may be allowed to use. Please review my choice as an American and an individual in supporting all Legislation aiding our managers rather than bring down our system! Please support legislation to improve the federal fisheries management system and avoid reliance on massive, arbitrary fishing closures. The Fishery Conservation Transition Act (S. 3594 / H.R. 6316) will give managers the tools and resources to address chronic deficiencies in data collection and science while safeguarding the strong conservation standards of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

The massive closures currently being implemented in the South Atlantic are just the latest example in a series of fishery management "train wrecks" that will force anglers to stay at the dock unnecessarily and impact coastal economies around the country.

Please support S. 3594 and H.R. 6316 and push for passage during the lame duck session. Thank you for your attention to this issue.

An Iron Triangle based in NOAA is killing the US Fishing Industry

An Iron Triangle based in NOAA is killing the US Fishing Industry

You like being called a loser? I do not and if we do not stand up and say NO, not anymore, we too will lose our rights to fish. It is starting with the Commercial anglers and then bleeding over to us recreational Fisherman.
The talk is once Sector Separation is completed on their "Generic Models", the tides will turn to the inshore fisherman and to all rivers, streams, lakes and ponds as well, the lands to which they border. Then under "Public Domain" these lands will be seized and ownership converted to Government ownership and United Nations Authority. ARE YOU GOING TO STAND FOR THIS? We are not and are filing suit. Beware of Greeks, (actually a Hungarian American with a wish to kiss us good-bye) bearing gifts as they are not the presents you want under your Christmas tree this year.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

United Responsible Anglers: Jevons Paradox; a philanthropic shell game

United Responsible Anglers: Jevons Paradox; a philanthropic shell game: "Brought to you by more alphabet soup, the URAASS; there's a whole lot of fish in that bowel! “The whole complexity of Sustainable Fisheries..."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



I am working on drafting an amendment to the Florida Constitution to protect angling rights for all state waters now that there is a little known movement to encroach your angling rights in all states that have nothing in their Constitution protecting fishing. This group, the EDF, supported by some big named Philanthropists, Environmentalists, lawyers and bankers are all looking to make a dollar off your fish and it is not about the fish, it is about money! Remember the Feudal Days we all read about in the middle ages? Same principle, divide up the oceans and lands where wildlife is present, selling sections to the highest bidders, to whom are the Trustees and Board of Directors of this idea and renting back (Share Cropping) the fish or the right to fish through fishing sales and tags. Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. . The EDF and other false prophets have tried this approach before with “The Land of the Seas Treaty” to which Reagan,Bush Sr & Bush rejected it due to the fact it was social economics at its worst and close to communism at its best in the share one share all concept. Even if you do not fish, you ought to be scared of this group and this United Nations Treaty! It will be the end of our country as we know it and it is starting with the fishing rights of this country we call America. Dividing up the nation, land, sea and air into sections. All owned by large corporations and wealthy people in a quest to obtain more, under the disguise of saving the environment, to which all of us are lead down to a garden of Eden, only to wake up and find our rights are gone and if you have enough money, you too can rent a share of what you once had and fought for; Freedom! As The Online Fisherman dot com has and is promoting Angling in the past, present and future, the Freedom to Fish, is our group to try and make a difference in retaining our rights to fish, with the privileges to pass on a legacy of angling to our future generations without the fear of encroachments, levies, liens or any other means to which “catch shares and sector separation” will advance us towards with a lose of personal as well, individual rights allowed to us under a Constitutional Amendment to which Florida as yet has. More on “The Land of the Seas Treaty” later but now we must concentrate on taking back what is already ours; the Freedom in fishing and to no man has the right to tell me no you cannot! Their wallets may be bigger but they still put there pants on the same as I; one leg at a time. Talk it up. Check out the FRA, the Fishing Rights Alliance. See what you in your lifetime are losing and what your grand kids may have lost.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shallow to Deep Bass Bite Hot on Top & Snook too!

With the lack of spring to summer rains here in south Florida, water levels are a bit down, causing foliage and such as aquatic vegetation to also be sparse in places with only large patches of Hydrillias and lilies floating on top along drop offs, causing the bass bite to be as hot as ever. Largemouths are taking any lure mimicking small bait fishes in the three inch or less range as well as bluegills or crayfish in preparation of winter.
The best lure in the fall angler’s tackle box a top-water plug followed by the spinner bait, which can be fished numerous ways. Most bodies of water are clear right now as the lack of rain and run offs has been light, but that still won’t stop the bass from schooling up in search of bait fish, bugs, minnows such as shad, and bluegills or crayfish, where a cast into the shallows is a good bet. This is where the fluttering action of a spinner blade comes into play, you should vary your retrieves, jerking and darting the lure every so often to resemble a wounded prey, as you wind in at a quicker than normal pace bring your blades to skipping the top of the water.
The spinner bait also is a great choice right now because it can be fished easily throughout the water column, including near the bottom when bass are staging somewhat deeper. In fact, you should look for areas with lots of cover and vegetation, and then target humps, ridges and drop-offs nearby, especially on cloudy days or if the wind picks up causing large disturbances on the surface.
Other baits to include in your arsenal when you’re tempting bass with what appears to be a wounded food source are jerkbaits and swimming jigs. They also can be used in a number of ways, and some of the most fun I’ve had bass fishing has come around docks and other structure this time of year with jerkbaits. The key to finding consistency often is giving the lure enough action so that bass will find it irresistible but also not pausing too long. Most days you’ll have to experiment with what the bass want, but when you find the right mix it can be downright amazing.
One thing to consider when using larger baits is...MORE

Sector Separation Threatens Private Recreational Anglers

Sector Separation Threatens Private Recreational Anglers

Pretty Soon, the only fish you will see on your plate will be from Vietnam!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anclote River Clean up

When:Saturday November 6th, 2010 8:00am to 2:00pm
Where: Anclote River Park Launch

Lunch will be provided @ Craig Park for those who participate.

Show up at Anclote park at 8:00am areas will be assigned clean up til 1:30ish head to Craig Park and eat lunch.

Contact Captain Brad Smithers 727-243-3844 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              727-243-3844      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Sponsored by: Pappas Ranch