EPA 's tool for UN Agenda 21 Call it "Sustainable Development" and they'll think it's good 2013 budget $174 mil for sustainable fisheries
Environmental Defense Fund, a leading national nonprofit organization, creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. EDF links science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships. , a leading national nonprofit organization, creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. EDF links science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships; which cost fisherman to hunters and rural farmers too a loose of their rights from the land and the sea, all in the name of saving something, when really its usually about lining the pockets of those who really do care; About themselves and Money, money, money! It makes the world go around.
- $174 million for sustainable fisheries work by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which supports the science and management needed to support the commercial fishing industry that supports 1 million jobs and yields more than $32 billion in income every year.
- $28 million for the National Catch Share Program, a critical part of the nation's strategy to return its fisheries to abundance, the same level adopted by the Congress last year.(P.S. NOTICE that the National Catch Share Program link, above is referred to you by EDF? A NGO, not a government office or affiliate, yet they are in charge? It's ALL ABOUT POWER & MONEY and to hell with the whatever it's saving because it is a PONZI to which the public has yet to understand. I only hope, John Q. Public will awaken in time, before we all loose our great outdoors.