JOIN the RFA Today!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Positive Mentoring Through Sailfishing w/Greg Poland

Greg Poland with Will Davis of (Michigan)with his first and memorable sailfish while angling out of the Keys in south Florida. Both his Dad, Jim Davis and Will had the unique experience to encounter a double hook-up. Such a feat is rare and the choreography of two fish going where they are going to go and you on the stern of a boat requires both a great Captain in maneuvering the boat as well the contestants with rods strapped in with a mate along side, is an exasperating experience to think about, much-less do! Great Job done by all. Hook-ups of these great sailfish were just outside the reefs of Islamorada, making for a short ride with a long tale to tell.
by Gary Anderson

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sowing the Seeds to Freedom

Victory in saving our right to fish, to taking a walk in your favorite park starts by standing up and speaking out in sowing the seeds to freedom!Stand Up America and Shout, Do Not Tread On My Rights, I believe in the US Constitution not the UN and its declaration of rights!

I am a Tea Bagging Whig but that has nothing to do with the price of freedom if I do not stand up and voice my opinion to all that will listen! Your rights are being stripped away, slowly as to the point you do not even notice. The Obama administration and its socialistic style agencies under the direction of one who should know of scientific methods and methodologies, yet the head of NOAA is not a leader but a puppet, following an agenda that is gnawing at our countries foundations. They are coming in the back door where only a bunch of DUMB OLE FISHERMAN reign. But we are not so stupid as they think and through us, a revolution has begun. Join us in preserving what we have, before it is all gone under United Nation rules. Can't happen; it began with the President signing in the Clear Act. Join Up! Fight for your Right!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fishy tail of shark attack wins woman her contest - National - NZ Herald News

Fishy tail of shark attack wins woman her contest - National - NZ Herald News

Heads or Tails; call it?

Mayday...Mayday Not.

By James Elkins
It's a vision that strikes fear in the heart of any mariner: a sinking vessel halfway toward oblivion, its stern pitched up and pointed toward the heavens, its bow already below the waves, aimed for bottom. It is the moment before disaster, the iconic image of a sinking ship, the last thing one sees of a vessel that's lost, scuttled, doomed — except that, hey, maybe, it's not.
That's because the stricken boat, or half of a boat, only appears to be sinking. It's just one of the many arresting, witty and utterly captivating works created by a young French artist named Julien Berthier.
Berthier's perpetually sinking boat, which was christened Love, Love, is a sculpture created from a vintage French sailboat. The sawed-off vessel only looks as if it is about to go down forever but, in fact, the little tub floats very nicely, dabbling along like a puddle duck that has bobbed under the waves with its tail in the air. Some onlookers who have mistaken the seaworthy sculpture for a real calamity have called the authorities.
More often, however, people who whip out cell phones to alert the Coast Guard instead end up taking snapshots. And that's exactly the sort of response that Berthier wants to achieve....READ MORE

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet -

FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet -

Blogger? What Blogger, how much is the Government going to charge me to talk? Taking away more of my rights from fishing with Catch Shares, Sector Separation to the internet! Can't afford to fish and can't afford to Blog; well at least I can still sit on my porcelain throne and rule the bathroom, wait a minute, it cost to flush too. Well I can still breath...wait according to LOST, the air will be owned, the seas and no more public lands. We are all turning surf's to the ruling class of the United Nations. The Brave and the true believe in the Red, White and Blue!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Loony Tunes to Full Moons: Full Lunar Eclipse 1-3 AM 12/21/10

And while your outside in the morning with the hot chocolate and all, be thinking about this:
Cohesion and solidarity with all angling agencies are to what we are to achieve if we are to stop some of the needless legislature going through Congress these days effecting Commercial to recreational anglers alike. Numerous groups through The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act,are closing down angling areas on flawed info and incomplete reports in an attempt to stop fishing as we know it today. Through our efforts and the RFA along with all that will cast a rod with us, we will win our fight for The Freedom to Fish.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

2011 Gag moratorium | Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders' Alliance

2011 Gag moratorium | Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders' Alliance


My Next Marina

Oh where, Oh where, Oh where do I go? Ah Ha! There is my Next Marina right over there.
More than 2,200 marinas in the database, with new listings added regularly. Don't leave port without it! or you may just be rocking with the waves under anchor rather than moored in a safe place with things to do and places to go! Check out "My Next Marina" and you too will be surprised; Europe, Canada, North & South Pacific, the Caribbean and of course on course in the USA; the ICW and the Tenn.-Tom Waterway!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The GMFMC &Council; South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Playing with Unknown Allotments and data from, well it was never brought up, conveniently, are once again playing with your angling future and your children children's future! Smells of another red herring in this room, PEW, do you smell it too?

So all you anglers out there, what do you all think of the new proposed rules set up to be deliberated on next year through NOAA, the EDF, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council to our own FWC on changing the bag limits on Pompano and Permit to TWO fish and they purpose to push this through and extend into Federal waters so as Commercial anglers of the Guide type are also only allowed TWO per boat, regardless of how many have chartered your boat. Also one is allowed over the 20 inch limit but is counted in the two per person if onshore from the land or pier and two per boat. On the Commercial side, Permit and Pompano would be closed permanently with a 100 by-catch limit if you have the correct permits. Their is no scientific reasoning or data to support this measure but they have to start somewhere, so here is where it will be implemented, Florida.
On the spearing issue, none allowed unless it is over 20 inches at a two fish limit only and only in Federal waters. Same goes for African Pompano except it has to be the 24 inch nominal length requirement and no spear fishing for it period!

I do not understand the spear fishing thingy? What is a hook? It is a bent spear! So what is the problem here?

Why cannot the best in the Nation, if not the world, the FWC manage on its own? It has done a pretty good job thus far. It has a record to stand by. The NOAA, the EDF and the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council have no such record so why are they key players? NOAA is about weather, is it not? Looks like they were loosing funding and had to go to bed with the fishes, in order to find more dollars. These units of the Government or private foundations are but Red Herrings to our system and when it PEW's, through it out! What part of Politics do you see in conservation? Conservation is preservation of a species from trees to fleas and fish in-between. FWC, Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission with CONSERVATION being the key word. Conservation smells good, PEW is usually associated with the stench of something gone bad and bad is what is happening between catch shares, sector separation and stock assessments as to who what when and where for the almighty dollar.

Did you know at the last meeting with PEW and NOAA, the EDF, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council and a slew of other alphabet’s that designating certain saltwater fish as GAME FISH was also discussed where once established it was catch and release for its lifetime! For now the “Board” has not anything to really say on the subject but it was brought up on their agenda! On top of this, from the previous meeting, they explained catch shares with a slip, I believe because we know now what really is on their minds; money. Of course we know this but it was confirmed with as much said, paraphrased of course, you can listen to the tape, once all the catch shares are in place, 83% of all shares combined will share equally in the catch. Did you hear that? Share equally, sounds as like a Marxist Society to me and where does the other 17% go? Only commercial fisherman would be allowed to purchase these share to start the program but after 5 years, the catch shares program would go public and anyone could own a piece of the ocean and all the creatures in it.
Now we are going backwards with the CLEAR ACT as the Consolidated Land, Energy, Aquatic Restoration Act (CLEAR Act) HR3534 looks very good when you first start reading it. It talks of stopping offshore oil drilling and a $2.00 a barrel fee for every barrel of oil produced in the USA to go to conservation. It turns our federal waters over to the United Nations to control. That means the 3-mile state line on the Atlantic coast and the 9-mile state line on the gulf coast is all the water we will control as an America. Then we have sector separation and catch shares and the implementation of again what we can catch bases in assessments and allocations based by number crunching and models from years gone by but not from today. IFQ's backed by the PEW Foundation in its statement to one of the Gulf Council boards that our fish are overly and heavily over-fished according to the latest models. What have they to do with fishing? Also the models do not take in account for the red tide years and dead zones from the phosphate dumping in the Gulf years ago. In fact, when I put in a public records request to the Council, the latest model and report was dated 2006. The red tide was in 2005, and they believe it was over-fished, how dumb is that? What do you think, think Jane Lubchenko Must Go ?

THE COUNCIL MEETINGS 1:06:20 (30.3 MB)Fishery Management Council Updates: Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council; South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
2:25:27 (66.5 MB)Final Rules for Individual Fishing Quotas for Gulf Grouper and Tile-fish and Commercial Harvest Requirements; Licenses, Season Closures, Bag and Trip Limits. Draft Rules for Permit, Florida pompano and African pompano
Broward Co. Manatee Rules; Report on Wounded Warrior Event; Discussion on Game Fish Designation concept; Green Iguana Risk Assessment; Div. of Marine Fisheries Management work plan; Public Comment; Administrative Matters; Commissioners' Exchange

Brought to you by the courtesy of:

The Online Fisherman dot com

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


“Fairy Tale Of Fisheries Management Is Destroying Our Industry”
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) was recently notified by NMFS Southeast
Regional Administrator Roy Crabtree that a 4,800-square mile fishing ban is on its way for South Atlantic

FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS! - Not So Fast, NOAA. RFA files suit - Not So Fast, NOAA. RFA files suit

Join us in our rights to individual freedom and the rights for all to fish. This is not just about fishing folks but about the loss of rights, liberties, and the Pru suite to happiness as stated in our Constitution, which by the way is on the chopping block as the United Nations are about to take over our oceans. This Catch Share thing, along with Sector Separation is not an American decree but a UN sanctaion being enforced on us as nobody is in there way. Did you know when the dust settles and most Americans relieve what is happening, it will be too late. Remember the movie "RED DAWN" with Patric Swazi? Only it is happening now on the high seas, where Americans cannot see it yet. Imagine looking out off the pier in Venice, Florida and seeing a Chinese War Ship slipping by? Why not because part of this agreement in the overall picture is Florida State waters will only extend 3, that is three miles out and then you are in Federal waters, for and additional 6 miles. At 9 miles offshore, it becomes international waters and we are but a pawn to the UN. I believe we need to tell the UN where they can put it! Also, adding to this calamity is the fact, the UN wants the USA to pay $900000000 a year until the year 2040 in order to be part of this game of a NEW WORLD ORDER.

You keep hearing of the year 2015 by the White House and others in Congress as well in the halls to bathrooms where secrets are whispered by the PEW people and the TIDES FOUNDATION, who are also in bed with this overthrow of the Government in a treasonous act which ought to be brought out into the light before they start calling the good ole USA, the North American Federation of the New World Order. It is starting in catch shares and fish where the only Americans who are to miss anything are the anglers, tackle manufacturers, boat manufactures and OH Yeah! Either you can't afford to pay for a $30.00 Grouper Sandwich or it just will never be!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is seeking input from saltwater anglers concerning possible rule changes for red drum (redfish) around the state. The agency is considering breaking down the state into regions for redfish much like the existing zones for spotted sea trout.
FWC officials are reviewing a proposal to create three management areas and to raise the bag limit to two fish per angler per day in the two northern areas.  The agency is also considering  a vessel limit for the species.
Anglers are asked to participate in a survey at the FWC’s website. I’ve taken the survey. It is not very long and only takes about five minutes to complete. Here is a link to survey page.
Along with the survey the FWC has been holding a series of regional meetings seeking input from resident anglers. There are two meeting scheduled for west central area of the state. One is in St. Petersburg and the other is in Crystal River. Here are the dates and times of the two meetings.
December 13, 2010
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (EST)
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Karen A. Steidinger Auditorium
100 Eighth Ave. SE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

December 14, 2010
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (EST)
City Hall Council Chambers
123 N.W. Hwy 19
Crystal River, FL 34428

There is also a video workshop scheduled for December 15 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Instructions on how to attend or access the video workshop can be found at this link.
This is an opportunity for Florida resident anglers to voice their opinion on the state of our red drum fishery. It will also be an opportunity to learn more about this fish and the management techniques employed to sustain its fishery.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

You don't Kick this Dog, We Bite Back; The Online Fisherman

Defend our right to fish. Defend our Carbon Footprints!!!!!!”Gary Poyssick
Honored to be a small component in the battle to keep the Environmental Defense Fund, NOAA and the left from controlling our fisheries. Americans have the right to fish. Make America Aware of the travesty of progressive regulation of our fishery. Defend our right to fish. Defend our Carbon Footprints!!!!!!
Gary Anderson
NOAA, the EDF, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council and the Keep America Fishing advocates are pushing for more recreational permit programs, thus allowing those that can afford to fish to do so and those that can't, well they can just cut bait. The Keep America Fishing logo is just that, a branding or a tool for all the government ABC's to control your fishing rights and all those that joined up under the Keep America Fishing website thought it was aimed to preserve their right; where as they were really just sold a bill of goods. The Duping of America! “Fishermen who signed up for Keep America Fishing email campaigns as are now united under one voice with a group which openly supported the restrictive language written into Magnuson in 2006 and is now advocating for
building broader private angler support for catch shares in 2010,” Jim Donofrio, RFA (Recreational Fishing Alliance) Executive Director.

NOAA and the EDF have set goals to have the catch shares put in place for the recreational angler. To make this work they have make a sector separation making 3 groups- commercial, recreational private boat and recreational for-hire (charter) boats. A bill that was introduced first in the house back in July 2009 raised its ugly head again in July 2010. The Consolidated Land, Energy, Aquatic Restoration Act (CLEAR Act) HR3534 looks very good when you first start reading it. It talks of stopping offshore oil drilling and a $2.00 a barrel fee for every barrel of oil produced in the USA to go to conservation. This bill is about 2200 pages long and the more you read the worst it turns. It turns our federal waters over to the United Nations to control. That means the 3-mile state line on the Atlantic coast and the 9-mile state line on the gulf coast is all the water we will control as an America. I hope you agree that we are better off fighting the battle with NOAA and the EDF over catch shares and sector separation than trying to start a new battle wit the United Nations. Just think if the United Nations took over our oceans we could have the foreign fishing boats fishing off our beaches and think what it would do for homeland security. Please take the time to write every senator you can to get this bill stopped...“Captain Buddy Bradham “

Facebook | JaneLubchenko Must Go

Facebook | JaneLubchenko Must Go

NOAA, the EDF, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council and the Keep America Fishing advocates are pushing for more recreational permit programs, thus allowing those that can afford to fish to do so and those that can't, well they can just cut bait. The Keep America Fishing logo is just that, a branding or a tool for all the government ABC's to control your fishing rights and all those that joined up under the Keep America Fishing website thought it was aimed to preserve their right; where as they were really just sold a bill of goods. The Duping of America! “Fishermen who signed up for Keep America Fishing email campaigns as are now united under one voice with a group which openly supported the restrictive language written into Magnuson in 2006 and is now advocating for

building broader private angler support for catch shares in 2010,” Jim Donofrio, RFA (Recreational Fishing Alliance) Executive Director.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Recreational & Commercial Anglers Declare War!

Why not join us over at The Online Fisherman dot com, as we are going to war against NOAA, the EDF, Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council and any other ABC unit of our Federal Government that wishes to stick its nose where is does not belong; on the end of my fish hook while I'm out either angling for a living or taking my son fishing! What they are doing is not only illegal but based on false to old to make it up as you go along data. We are banning together all over the country. Call your friends and fellow Captains because no matter our differences on the water or as neighbors, color, creed or religion, we must have solidarity against this bunch of Bushwhackers! Together, in numbers, as Americans, indivisible as one, united in cause and we will win! Fish for one, Fish for ALL! JOIN US!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sleeping With the Fishes

Having your allies put themselves either in the money or "on the same letterhead with the Environmental Defense Fund was enough for me to burn anything with an organization's logo on it. Having them not have done their homework -- on the Director of NOAA, Tides, EDF, or Catch Shares -- outlined in a UN document as an "Alternative Revenue Source" in their "Marine Spacial Plan" -- sets the stage for asking them what they're thinking of. I guess all you have to do is follow the money.  Every organization there -- from the Billfish people to the CCA -- has sold us all out. Know who's on our side and who's not. The battle approaches."

It ain't about cleaning fish but it sure will be bloody!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Fishery Conservation Transition Act

The Fishery Conservation Transition Act (S.3594 / H.R. 6316) is designed to give managers the time and resources to fine-tune their management tools, while safeguarding our core conservation standards. Passage of FCTA will prevent a repeat of the massive closures in the South Atlantic. Click the link below to send a message to your Congressman and U.S. Senator today and ask them to support FCTA.

Click the link below to log in and send your message, as I did:

and lets slow down this battle-wagon steaming across our waters in an attempt to stop fishing, as we know it today. Then tell your friends to sign up on your Free forum as we too are going to battle against those who would impede to tred on my rights to fish in Florida, as well, my country we call America. Join me, Gary Anderson and all those with the Online Fisherman as we wage war on those in favor of restricting our rights with flawed to no real time data. With The Online Fisherman, you'll get Free Representation to your rights, Free Advice, Free Articles, Free Pro-Staff Advice, Free Give-Aways in top notch angling gear and the Freedom to Catch Fish with Free Maps, GPS coordinates, Free bait spots, free fishy spots and if that is not enough, call me in person and get free advice to my thoughts to fishing spots. 941-426-6118

Can't Log in, Join up , with the CCA as we need all the angles we can get!

Agenda 21, “Sustainable Development” The Fall of America

“My guns are out and I am taking aim at the UN’s Agenda 21, an initiative which started in 1992. Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992. The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of UNCED, to monitor and report on implementation of the agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels. It was agreed that a five year review of Earth Summit progress would be made in 1997 by the United Nations General Assembly meeting in special session. The full implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Commitments to the Rio principles, were strongly reaffirmed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 26 August to 4 September 2002. “In short, Agenda 21 outlines, in detail, the UN’s vision for a completely managed society, dictating the process to be used for industry, agriculture, housing development, and especially education. It’s an all-encompassing plan to rule from an all-powerful central government.”
Agenda 21 is “Sustainable Development” and that it seeks to abolish private property and prepare children for global citizenship, ultimately aiming to reduce the population. States shall cooperate in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem starting with ocean Catch Share Programs and Sector Separation creating a sustainable program to our marine ecosystems and those to which may be allowed to use. Please review my choice as an American and an individual in supporting all Legislation aiding our managers rather than bring down our system! Please support legislation to improve the federal fisheries management system and avoid reliance on massive, arbitrary fishing closures. The Fishery Conservation Transition Act (S. 3594 / H.R. 6316) will give managers the tools and resources to address chronic deficiencies in data collection and science while safeguarding the strong conservation standards of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

The massive closures currently being implemented in the South Atlantic are just the latest example in a series of fishery management "train wrecks" that will force anglers to stay at the dock unnecessarily and impact coastal economies around the country.

Please support S. 3594 and H.R. 6316 and push for passage during the lame duck session. Thank you for your attention to this issue.

An Iron Triangle based in NOAA is killing the US Fishing Industry

An Iron Triangle based in NOAA is killing the US Fishing Industry

You like being called a loser? I do not and if we do not stand up and say NO, not anymore, we too will lose our rights to fish. It is starting with the Commercial anglers and then bleeding over to us recreational Fisherman.
The talk is once Sector Separation is completed on their "Generic Models", the tides will turn to the inshore fisherman and to all rivers, streams, lakes and ponds as well, the lands to which they border. Then under "Public Domain" these lands will be seized and ownership converted to Government ownership and United Nations Authority. ARE YOU GOING TO STAND FOR THIS? We are not and are filing suit. Beware of Greeks, (actually a Hungarian American with a wish to kiss us good-bye) bearing gifts as they are not the presents you want under your Christmas tree this year.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

United Responsible Anglers: Jevons Paradox; a philanthropic shell game

United Responsible Anglers: Jevons Paradox; a philanthropic shell game: "Brought to you by more alphabet soup, the URAASS; there's a whole lot of fish in that bowel! “The whole complexity of Sustainable Fisheries..."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



I am working on drafting an amendment to the Florida Constitution to protect angling rights for all state waters now that there is a little known movement to encroach your angling rights in all states that have nothing in their Constitution protecting fishing. This group, the EDF, supported by some big named Philanthropists, Environmentalists, lawyers and bankers are all looking to make a dollar off your fish and it is not about the fish, it is about money! Remember the Feudal Days we all read about in the middle ages? Same principle, divide up the oceans and lands where wildlife is present, selling sections to the highest bidders, to whom are the Trustees and Board of Directors of this idea and renting back (Share Cropping) the fish or the right to fish through fishing sales and tags. Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. . The EDF and other false prophets have tried this approach before with “The Land of the Seas Treaty” to which Reagan,Bush Sr & Bush rejected it due to the fact it was social economics at its worst and close to communism at its best in the share one share all concept. Even if you do not fish, you ought to be scared of this group and this United Nations Treaty! It will be the end of our country as we know it and it is starting with the fishing rights of this country we call America. Dividing up the nation, land, sea and air into sections. All owned by large corporations and wealthy people in a quest to obtain more, under the disguise of saving the environment, to which all of us are lead down to a garden of Eden, only to wake up and find our rights are gone and if you have enough money, you too can rent a share of what you once had and fought for; Freedom! As The Online Fisherman dot com has and is promoting Angling in the past, present and future, the Freedom to Fish, is our group to try and make a difference in retaining our rights to fish, with the privileges to pass on a legacy of angling to our future generations without the fear of encroachments, levies, liens or any other means to which “catch shares and sector separation” will advance us towards with a lose of personal as well, individual rights allowed to us under a Constitutional Amendment to which Florida as yet has. More on “The Land of the Seas Treaty” later but now we must concentrate on taking back what is already ours; the Freedom in fishing and to no man has the right to tell me no you cannot! Their wallets may be bigger but they still put there pants on the same as I; one leg at a time. Talk it up. Check out the FRA, the Fishing Rights Alliance. See what you in your lifetime are losing and what your grand kids may have lost.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shallow to Deep Bass Bite Hot on Top & Snook too!

With the lack of spring to summer rains here in south Florida, water levels are a bit down, causing foliage and such as aquatic vegetation to also be sparse in places with only large patches of Hydrillias and lilies floating on top along drop offs, causing the bass bite to be as hot as ever. Largemouths are taking any lure mimicking small bait fishes in the three inch or less range as well as bluegills or crayfish in preparation of winter.
The best lure in the fall angler’s tackle box a top-water plug followed by the spinner bait, which can be fished numerous ways. Most bodies of water are clear right now as the lack of rain and run offs has been light, but that still won’t stop the bass from schooling up in search of bait fish, bugs, minnows such as shad, and bluegills or crayfish, where a cast into the shallows is a good bet. This is where the fluttering action of a spinner blade comes into play, you should vary your retrieves, jerking and darting the lure every so often to resemble a wounded prey, as you wind in at a quicker than normal pace bring your blades to skipping the top of the water.
The spinner bait also is a great choice right now because it can be fished easily throughout the water column, including near the bottom when bass are staging somewhat deeper. In fact, you should look for areas with lots of cover and vegetation, and then target humps, ridges and drop-offs nearby, especially on cloudy days or if the wind picks up causing large disturbances on the surface.
Other baits to include in your arsenal when you’re tempting bass with what appears to be a wounded food source are jerkbaits and swimming jigs. They also can be used in a number of ways, and some of the most fun I’ve had bass fishing has come around docks and other structure this time of year with jerkbaits. The key to finding consistency often is giving the lure enough action so that bass will find it irresistible but also not pausing too long. Most days you’ll have to experiment with what the bass want, but when you find the right mix it can be downright amazing.
One thing to consider when using larger baits is...MORE

Sector Separation Threatens Private Recreational Anglers

Sector Separation Threatens Private Recreational Anglers

Pretty Soon, the only fish you will see on your plate will be from Vietnam!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anclote River Clean up

When:Saturday November 6th, 2010 8:00am to 2:00pm
Where: Anclote River Park Launch

Lunch will be provided @ Craig Park for those who participate.

Show up at Anclote park at 8:00am areas will be assigned clean up til 1:30ish head to Craig Park and eat lunch.

Contact Captain Brad Smithers 727-243-3844 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              727-243-3844      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Sponsored by: Pappas Ranch

Friday, October 29, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Inshore Florida-Offshore Anywhere: A Devil's Tail, Vote Wisely

Inshore Florida-Offshore Anywhere: A Devil's Tail, Vote Wisely

A Devil's Tail, Vote Wisely

Vote wisely on November 2, 2010
While walking down the street one day a Corrupted Senator was tragically hit by a car and died. His soul arrived in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. "Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you." "No problem, just let me in," says the Senator. "Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the higher ups.
What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can vote where to spend eternity." "Really?, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Senator. "I'm sorry, but we have our rules." And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes straight down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They played a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and the finest champagne. Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who is having a good time dancing and telling jokes. At bed time, it is pick and choose time and any delight you might wish for. After a grand ole time in Hell with wares to whatever to choose from, before the Senator knew it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises back to the Pearly Gates and the Senator now has his 24 hours in Heaven, where St. Peter is waiting for him, "Now it's time to visit heaven...
As 24 hours passed with the Senator joining a group of contented souls moving cloud to cloud, playing harps and singing. They were too have a good time, just not as ravishing, nor promising as he had experienced in the “down Below” and, before he realized it, the 24 hours was up and St. Peter returned. "Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity." The Senator reflected for a minute and answered; "Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell." So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and down he went, straight to hell...
As the doors of the elevator opened, he stood in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He saw all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash fell from above The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulders, handing him to a black bag as the Senator exclaimed "I don't understand," stammering "Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"
The devil smiles at him and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning, Today, you voted.." Vote wisely on November 2, 2010

The Fishing Reel


Fishing Reel

A fishing reel is a device used for the sport of angling for the deployment and retrieval of fishing line using a spool mounted on an axle. They are most often used in conjunction with a fishing rod. The first illustration of a fishing reel is from Chinese paintings beginning about 1195 A.D. 

History of the fishing reel

English literature first reported a "wind", placed within two feet of the lower end of the fishing rod in 1651. This is usually accepted as the first reference to a reel. And the first picture of a fishing reel is mentioned above. Until the 1800, the fishing reel was not much more than a storage place for excess line. The British claim to be the originators for the multiplying reel, but the fishing reels of George Snyder, of Kentucky, have become the most famous 19th century multipliers. Snyder's reels were developed in the 1820's, and are what you think of as an "old fishing reel". From these reels came what we think of today as a fishing reel. With various changes and developments along the way. 

Types of fishing reels

1) Fly casting - These fishing reels are traditionally fairly simple in terms of mechanical construction, though this has been changing with developments in technology. A fly reel is normally operated by stripping line off with one hand, while casting the rod with the other hand. Another development in fly reels has been a larger design to increase the speed of retrieve and keep a tight line in the event a hooked fish makes a sudden run towards the angler.
2) Bait casting – These reels in which line is stored on a revolving spool. When a cast is made, line is pulled off of the reel by the weight of the lure. Because the momentum of the forward cast must rotate the spool as well as propel the lure, bait casting designs normally require heavier lures for proper operation than most other types of fishing reels. On most newer reels, spool tension can be adjusted to reduce spool overrun during a cast. The result of spool overrun is the famous "birds nest". And dealing with a "birds nest" is no fun at all.
3) Spinning – Spinning reels were originally designed to allow the use of lures that were too light to be cast by bait casting reels. Because the line didn't have to pull against a rotating spool, much lighter lures could be cast than with a bait-casting reel. Spinning reels do not suffer from backlash, although the line can become trapped underneath itself on the spool or even detach in loose loops of line. Various level-wind mechanisms have been introduced over the years to attempt to solve this problem. Most spin fishermen manually reposition the bail after each cast in order to minimize line twist, which is exactly what I do.
4) Spin cast reels – These fishing reels were developed by the Johnson Reel Company in the early 1950's. Just as with the spinning reel, the line is thrown from a fixed spool, and can therefore be used for throwing light lures and bait. This fishing reel eliminates the large wire bail of the spinning reel in favor of two pickup pins. The spin cast reel is then fitted with a nose cone that encloses and protects the fishing line and spool. Pressing a button on the rear of the fishing reel disengages the line pickup thus allowing the line to fly off of the spool. Upon cranking the handle, the pickup pin immediately re-engages the line and re-spools it onto the reel. Many of you probably used a Zebco reel when you were a kid. This is a spin cast reel.
5) Under spin or Trigger spin – These are spin cast reels that are mounted underneath a standard spinning rod. A lever or trigger is grasped with the forefinger. During the forward cast, this lever is released, and the line flies off the fixed spool. Like spin cast reels, there is no wire bail to hold the line, rather two pickup pins. Basically, these fishing reels are a combination of #3 and #4.

The Skinny on Hook Types;

The Skinny on Hook Types; To Which Do I Use 
Many a different hook and design are on the market today so I choose to pick the ones I use the most with my favorite being that of the
Circle Hook
to which is about all I use today:

And on and on…


This hook design, more often called a ‘J’ hook, is considered the basic industry standard hook design because it is the hook design in almost every illustration of a hook. It is a classic hook coming in all sizes, and is made in a variety of metals. It is the most widely used hook on the market today.  Use this hook for all general-purpose fishing. Just make sure you purchase the right size for the fish you looking to either put in the box or practice CPR (Catch, Photograph & Release).

When fishing with live bait, it is desirable to have short shank hook. First, a short shank allows the live bait to swim more naturally, and second, the shorter shank means the hook is more difficult for feeding fish to detect. Long shank hooks with live bait draw fewer strikes when presented on a mono or fluorocarbon leader; though on a wire king rig shank size only prohibits your baits movement not strikes.

Live Bait

These hooks are made from thin wire and range in size from a number 10 to a 4/0. They are very applicable for fish with soft mouths, like that of the Weakfish or for fishing with light tackle. Many Aberdeen hooks are bent to fit jig molds. Using light line means softer hook sets when using these hooks as the point and barb penetrate quickly. Generally designated as a freshwater hook, the Aberdeen is suitable for saltwater too but must be rinsed of salt, lubricated with a repellent such as Corrosion Block or they have a tendency to rust out in your box or bucket.

Circle Hooks

The commercial industry has used a form of circle hooks on their catch boats. Using this type of hook attached to a long pole, commercial anglers would hooked it up with the fish, slinging them backwards in a quick release and return the pole for more from their encircled nets. It was easier in the early years of commercial Tuna harvesting to employ anglers to pole the fish rather than hoisting the nets because the nets were not strong enough to hold the weight suspended. Circle hooks, named for the unusual circle like bend, actually curves into the hook shank. If the bait is swallowed, the hook will come right back up the throat hooking the fish in its jaw line or mouth. As the fish turns away and runs, the hook turns toward the mouth of the fish. When the line pulls the shank of the hook out of the mouth, the hook naturally turns back toward the angler, and the fish hooks it up right in the corner of the mouth as the angler is slowly retrieving his line back onto the spool of his reel.  Today these hooks are becoming more popular, where size limits mean releasing undersized fish; circle hooks offer a very high survival rate on released fish. The rule is – do not set the hook. It is so hard fro anglers to remember that rule. Setting the hook means pulling the hook and bait right out of the mouth of the fish. Let the fish turn, run, and simply start reeling. The hook sets itself with a slight lifting of the rod at a right angle to the run.

The New Law States As Follows:
The law states you cannot use any hook except circle hooks when fishing for reef fish. The law states at least one de-hooking device is required and must be used to remove hooks embedded in gulf reef fish to leave minimum damage. The law states that at least one venting device is required and must be use to deflate the swim bladders of gulf reef fish to release the fish with minimum damage. NMFS is delaying until June 1 the effectiveness of these requirements to provide additional time for manufacturers and retail outlets to prepare for the demand. This also will provide more time for anglers to comply with these new gear requirements, though Joint Amendment 27/14 became effective Feb. 28, 2008. 
No, 2010, all vessels (boats), to include Kayaks and canoes 16 feet or longer must have on-board a De-hooker, circle hooks for use in catching pelagic and a venting tool for relieving air trapped in the bladder from deep rising fish on a quick retrieve. It must be on board or you risk a hefty fine. 
Hook Composition

Hooks are all made from various metals. Saltwater hooks were generally made from corrosion and rust resistant metal but since a number of anglers had the foresight to worry about our oceans futures, tinned hooks are now available for those of us that are esuriently anglers. Freshwater hooks can be made from wire.
Hook Parts

There are five basic parts to a hook: the point, gap. shank, eye, and barb with all of these parts working together in its design; different hook designs are made for different fishing applications. Knowing the sizing and what species you are angling for can help make your selection an easier task. The type of hook you select does make a difference, and hook selection depends on the fish being sought.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Article 21 NO FISHING!

Article 21; a 40 chapter doctrine that covers all and any aspect of sustainable life and how it is to be controlled. These 40 chapters are broken into four sections:

  1. Social and economic dimensions: developing countries; poverty; consumption patterns; population; health; human settlements; integrating environment and development.
  2. Conservation and management of resources: atmosphere; land; forests; deserts; mountains; agriculture; biodiversity; biotechnology; oceans; fresh water; toxic chemicals; hazardous, radioactive and solid waste and sewage.
  3. Strengthening the role of major groups: women; children and youth; indigenous peoples; non-governmental organizations; local authorities; workers; business and industry; farmers; scientists and technologists.
  4. Means of implementation: finance; technology transfer; science; education; capacity-building; international institutions; legal measures; information.
Section (4) pertains to the Law of the Sea Treaty. Section (1) addresses your rights in the munitions and firearms rights and the rest is a manifesto of pure unadulterated Bull, as far as I am concerned. It might as well have been written by Karl Marx as it tells me what, when, where and how I can live under a sovereign state and what the rules of government shall be under United Nation rule until the year 2040. The CLEAR act has to be stopped in the Senate before we lose it all! Call your Representative and voice that you do not want this. You are not a Communist, a Socialist or any other entity trying to break up the unity of our country called America.

The world follows our lead, we do not follow the U.N. or any other sovereignty, State, Country or World Order!

Article 21: George Orwell and his book of the future, did he have a looking glass into what just might be? This Executive Order assigns the National Ocean Council responsibility for implementation of the National Policy, ensuring execution of both the policy and the Administration’s objectives. Ultimately, it gives overall control of all other councils to the National Ocean Council. Specifically, this order divides the United States into nine separate regions, initially affecting 30 states. The president will be the ultimate decision authority if a consensus can’t be reached (per Section 5 (b)). Kind of like a God and that is scary! The reason only thirty states are affected are because they neglected to ever secure their rights within their on Constitutional law, an Amendment and thus must follow the law of the land. Unlike the twenty other states to whom are protected or are in the process of protecting themselves from the Federal government and the United Nations from taking my rights away. Eighteen States have a Calling for a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing the right to hunt, fish, and trap. Two have Statutes within their laws pertaining to such making twenty states that may wish to be pertinacious in any ruling by a foreign sovereignty such as the United Nations. The remaining thirty states would have to comply. Sounds like a Civil War only this time it is for our rights to bear arms with additional rights to hunt, fish, and trap, that is, unless the other thirty also passed rulings to comply with their own State rulings and then it would just be a revolution; the Federal Government VS the United States of America!

 Fishing Rights to Gun ownership are rights to fight for but so to is the right to be Free and by taking away just a small piece of that freedom is wrong, so you have the time to stop this Bill from being signed into a law now or you might have to live with. The clock is ticking and if not rewound soon it just may stop ticking forever and ever!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Ladies, Sharks, Macks and More; Venice/El Jobean Area Report

Ladies, Sharks, Macks and More; Venice/El Jobean Area Report 22 October 2010, 16.41 Captain Gary Anderson Reports - Guides
Ladies, Sharks, Macks and More; Venice/El Jobean Area Report As we approached the entrance to the pier at Sharky's, Edwin ask why we hadn't brought our trolley rigs? I replied that I wanted to try out a prototype plug, Carolina style in King fishing this afternoon

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cats to Rats...Bay to Beach Report in a Glance

Hardhead Cat

Little Rat

XLT Pro Topwater Bass lure, lured this trout who thought he was a bass.

All schoolies today, looks like chicken for dinner tonight!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Like to play Tag, well your it!

Got You! You've been Tagged. Looking to expand your business or web application? Get Tagged and start tagging your favorite ideas to tattoos.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Old Florida fishing with 21st century equipment - Tampa Bay Tampa Fishing and Seafood |

Old Florida fishing with 21st century equipment - Tampa Bay Tampa Fishing and Seafood |


Now that's putting the cart before the horse,

Blue Crab Season Oct. 05 to Sept. 24
Crabs, Crabs everywhere and now Oh what do I do?
Stone Crab Season Arrives
Oct. 15 to May 15

Well, it’s that time of year again with the open season; lasts from Oct. 15 to May 15 here in Florida, of those big orange and black pincers stuffed with sweet, succulent white meat to begin reappearing on menus and in marketplaces everywhere, known as Stone Crab Claws.  Besides being tasty, claws are a guilt-free way to enjoy Florida seafood for these lucky little crustaceans doesn’t normally die when their claws are taken off. After the crabs are pulled up from traps, crabbers harvest the legal claws (which must be at least 23/4 inches long) and throw the oval-shaped crab back into the water, where they are free to reproduce and grow new claws. Stone crabs may regenerate new pincers three of four times during their lives. Although it is legal to take both claws if they meet the required length, I don't recommend the practice as it greatly reduces the crab's chances for survival; think about it, how does it eat or defend itself with no claws but we are getting ahead of ourselves. You have but three choices to enjoy these wonderful treats of nature. Visit your favorite haunt and order a steaming plate full, purchase them already cooked at the neighborhood grocery store/fish monger or catch them yourselves. At prices varying from $9.95 to $15.00 a pound, I’ll elect a night on the pier fishing for them. READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE!