Everol’s Reemergence
Everol is an Italian company that has been building exquisite, finely machined lever drag reels since 1958 when the company started building reels that were up to the task of battling the giant Bluefin tuna of the Mediterranean. Everol's reels are built with only the best, most anti-corrosive materials to withstand the rigors of big-game fishing and the insidious saltwater environment, but what really sets Everol apart from its competition is the unique and unrivaled Everol drag system; Everol has incorporated this system into their reels since 1958 and it has yet to be duplicated. As a big billfish, tuna, Wahoo, dolphin or other gamester peels line off a reel the laws of physics dictate that even without touching the drag lever the drag has increased due to the progressive reduction in the diameter of line on the spool. With other offshore reels, once line is in the water, it is anyone's best guess as to what the effective drag setting has become due to this phenomenon (regardless of whether an accurate initial drag setting was taken on a scale). Everol's system gives anglers a clear picture of what the effective drag has become allowing anglers to purposefully adjust their drag rather than fumbling with it haphazardly. Everol's system works as follows: There are three scales on the side of the reel, which correspond to the amount of line on the spool as indicated by notches on the spool itself. The outermost, largest number represents a full spool, the middle, medium sized number a half spool, and the innermost, smallest number an almost empty spool. As an example, a 6/0 Everol set with 14lbs of initial drag would have an increased drag setting equal to 21lbs when half spooled. The benefits inherent in this system are evident but become even more pronounced when fishing light line or when possible records are at stake. As for the drag mechanism itself, Everol incorporates a silky smooth, forced air-cooled, multi-disc stainless and carbon fiber drag system in the reels. For those who have grown accustomed to a pre-set drag, Everol has introduced the stellar Waterproof Series. These reels feature an internally sealed disc drag that protects the double-sided drag washers from the corrosive saltwater environment. These reels are very lightweight yet strong, and, like the Special Series, they too are available in either right or left hand retrieve. Everol is truly a legendary name in sportfishing and will continue to be for many years to come. Everol reels definitely deliver the kind of value and performance that is demanded by those who ply the offshore waters in search of big game fish. EverolUSA, get yours today by contacting us here.
Waterproof Series
Quality & Reliability!
- Sized 12/20 to 30/50W
- Priced from $330 - $570
Special Series
The Mediterranean work horse!
- Sized 2.5/0 to 18/0.
- Priced from $520 - $1,500
Two Speed Series
The Ultimate Big Game Reel!
- Sized from 6/0 to 18/0.
- Priced from $650 - $1,800
Nautilus Downrigger
- Priced from $450 - $470
Roller Guides
$400 a Set
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