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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Everol Booth at The Shows, Come Check It Out!

Mobile Boat Show (FEB21-24), Louisiana Sportsmen's Show (MAR 6-9)

Just letting you all know that EVEROL fishing reels, which recently moved to Mobile from Miami, will be at the Mobile Boat Show (FEB21-24) and also at the Louisiana Sportsmen's Show (MAR 6-9). They will have a large booth and plenty of reels to see, touch and buy if you are so inclined. In any case, please stop by the booth, shake Keith Wichmann’s hand and introduce yourself. Oh by the way, for those that are coming to the Mobile Boat Show, Keith Wichmann is giving away a FREE Reel on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so stop by the booth and register to win.
Keith Wichmann
EverolUSA, President


Everol built its first big-game reel in 1958 to target the Mediterranean's Bluefin tuna off Italy. The manufacturer devised a simple yet effective drag system that uses physics to take the guesswork out of drag settings. As a fish pulls line off a reel, the diameter of line on the spool gets progressively smaller, causing the drag to increase. Everol places three sets of numbers under the lever drag that correspond to the amount of line on the spool as indicated by notches on the spool itself. The outermost, largest number represents the pounds of drag at full spool; the middle number equals the pressure at medium spool and the smallest number, the drag at an almost empty spool. For example, a 6/0 Everol set with 14 pounds of initial drag would have 21 pounds of drag when half-spooled.

Everol offers a complete lineup of one- and two-speed offshore reels made from anticorrosive materials in a unibody construction. The drag systems feature stainless and carbon fiber discs for superior power and a large surface area. The company is known for building some truly huge reels and now has the biggest boy out on the block with the 18/0. Designed for 200- to 300-pound test and capable of 100 pounds of drag, this reel will offer more line capacity than the company's 14/0, previously the largest reel in production. Everol currently offers nine sizes of one-speed lever-drag reels from 2.5/0 to 14/0. There are eight two-speed reels, including a 2.5/0, 4/0, 6/0, 6/0-wide, 9/0, 9/0-wide, 12/0 and 14/0.

For more information, visit Inshore Florida or drop us a line and we will bite back or contact Mr. Keith Wichmann at:

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